Weight Loss with Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a great tool for weight loss. According to facts and science, intermittent fasting is not only beneficial for losing weight, but it is highly advantageous for the brain and human body overall too. It enhances brain functionality, boosts energy levels and makes one feel positive and happy too. Furthermore, it reduces the chances of chronic diseases as well. Therefore, intermittent fasting is beyond the concept of weight loss and can offer you a lot of different perks!

However, as we are emphasizing solely on weight loss in this piece of article, we will be disclosing some very simple tips that can help you start intermittent fasting for weight loss. These will help you lose weight and stay healthy too.

Tips for weight loss with Intermittent Fasting:
First things first; remember that intermittent fasting is not a diet plan. It is more of a lifestyle that people opt for, or you can address it as a different approach to your eating pattern. You don’t need to skip food items or count your caloric intake while you attempt intermittent fasting. It is a period of eating and fasting. Many people find it hard to fast in longer windows from the start, so it is better if you start with smaller fasting periods as a beginner.

Here are some very simple tips that will make it easier for you to start intermittent fasting and lose weight:

       Know your aim:
Nobody starts intermittent fasting casually; there is always an aim behind it, and 90% of the time it is done with weight loss goals. Understanding your aim will help you fast accordingly as you will know how much calories you need to burn.

       Pick the method:
There are 3 major methods which are used during intermittent fasting, and you must know about all of them before you start it. These are the time windows in which you have to fast.

There is Eat Stop Eat, Warrior Diet and Alternate Day Fasting. Usually, people stick to one fasting plan for at least a month to see visible and positive outcomes. If they don’t see the results they wished for, they usually switch up their fasting game. Beginners start with alternate day fasting because that is easier, to begin with. It usually has a 16-8 hour window. You have to fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8-hour window. Eat Stop Eat is about fasting for 24 hours, twice per week. Warrior diet is the toughest because you are allowed to eat very little around the day (20 hours) and you get a 4-hour window to eat whatever you want throughout the week.

Thus, you need to pick the method that suits you the best. Also, if you choose alternate day fasting, keep in mind that you have to eat nutritious food on days you are not fasting so that the plan gets successful.

       Don’t forget the Calories Completely:

Now, intermittent fasting does not restrict a lot of food items for you, but at the end of the day, you do need to keep an eye out on the number of calories you are taking in. If your main aim is to lose weight, then you need to make a caloric deficit for yourself so that the outcomes are positive. You have to consume less energy than you use throughout the day so that the stored fat gets burnt. Weight loss for intermittent fasting needs to have a caloric deficit, so your results are effective.

       Make a Plan:

For weight loss, you need to make a plan. Plan your meals so that you know what you have to eat and how many calories you are taking in. Once you plan everything out, you will be able to focus on it in a better manner. Also, keep in mind that you don't have to be very restrictive with your meal plans while on intermittent fasting because it is not aimed towards depriving you of all the food items. Just stay in your caloric deficit, and you are good to go.

       Be Flexible:
Being flexible is very crucial for intermittent fasting. For some days, you might feel that it is impossible to fast, but you will have to adjust accordingly. You can fast on off days too once you get flexible enough. This means faster outcomes. Thus, you need to add flexibility to your body. Once you get comfortable with the type of fasting you are attempting to, try pushing your boundaries slightly more.

Is Intermittent Fasting Effective?
Intermittent fasting is extremely effective and has positive outcomes that are beyond just weight loss. It affects your body in a bunch of different ways. Here we have summed up the top perks and effectiveness of intermittent fasting:

       It reduces your insulin levels, which in turn makes it easier to burn the stored fat.
       Intermittent fasting lowers inflammation levels and blood pressure too.
       It boosts your immunity levels.
       It also enhances one's healing process, which is better known as autophagy.

The Final Verdict:
Fasting is not a new concept at all. It is an old, rather extremely ancient eating pattern which began as religious practices in Christians and Muslims. There are endless benefits that fasting has to offer, and thus, it has become a huge eating lifestyle as well.

Intermittent fasting was not considered popular in the beginning, but as people are gaining a lot of awareness, it is now being appreciated for the benefits that it offers. If you are planning to lose weight with the help of intermittent fasting, then make your caloric deficit and also decide on the method of fasting you will be opting for. Also, keep in mind that your body won't get sued to the fasting process right away, and it will take some time to adjust your body accordingly. After a month, you will certainly see very positive results. Just stay motivated to experience the wonderful changes that intermittent fasting has to offer.

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